Conference Programming

Speaker's Name Conference Theme country IES that represents
Dr. Francisco Eduardo Martínez Pérez Industry 4.0: Thinking About ... Software....? México Ufps, Seccional Ocaña
Dr. Juan Humberto Sossa Azuela Inteligencia Artificial en La Industria 4.0 México Unisangil
Dra. Erimar Bracho Colina Influencia De La Tecnología En La Economía Venezuela Upc, Seccional Aguachica
Dr. Vladimir Pabón Tendencias y Experiencias en Formación en Investigación y en Tecnología Informática Suecia UNAB
Dante Carrizo Moreno Ingeniería de Software (y Bases de Datos) Chile UNIVERSIDAD FRANCISCO DE PAULA SANTANDER-CUCUTA
Jairo Bernardo Viola Villamizar Edge deep learning techniques applied to failure detection on industrial processes USA - Universidad de Californía (Virtual) Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana - Bucaramanga
Wilmer Sarango Impacto del desarrollo de Internet, beneficios y retos para los proveedores de servicios de Internet Ecuador Ufps, Seccional Ocaña
Camilo Piedrahita Macias Ingeniería de software en un banco en la era de la revolución digital Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana - Bucaramanga UNIVERSIDAD FRANCISCO DE PAULA SANTANDER-CUCUTA
CIINTATIC 2019 schedule
Schedule Thursday, September 26 Friday, September 27
8:00:00 a 8:30 Inaguración: (Evento Cultural 8:15 a 8:30)
8:30:00 a 9:15 Conferencia 1: Industry 4.0: Thinking About ... Software....? Conferencia 5: Tendencias y Experiencias en Formación en Investigación y en Tecnología Informática
09:15 a 10:00 Conferencia 2: Inteligencia Artificial en La Industria 4.0 Conferencia 6: Edge deep learning techniques applied to failure detection on industrial processes
10:00 a 10:45 Conferencia 3:Impacto del desarrollo de Internet, beneficios y retos para los proveedores de servicios de Interne Conferencia 7: Influencia De La Tecnología En La Economía
10:45 a 11:00 Break Cierre: Evento cultural
Conferencia 4: Bancolombia
14:00 a 17:00 Ponencias en la sede Algodonal
Incribete a la ponencia de tu agrado
Ponencias en la sede Algodonal
Incribete a la ponencia de tu agrado
8:00 pm Happy Hour ( Tamboras y grupo Vallenato)


CIINATIC, is a space to promote and develop innovation and ownership of Information and Communications Technologies facilitating the exchange and knowledge transfer by submitting research advances in technological trends, in addition to allowing the creation of collaboration networks to generate research and innovation In the area.

During September 26 and 27, 2019, the VI will be held International Congress on Innovation and Appropriation of the Technologies of the Information and communications (CIINATIC 2019) at the facilities of the Francisco de Paula University Santander Ocaña.

Among the universities are part of the Organizing Committee of CIINATIC, they are assigned to the Northeast Northeast of the Colombian Network of Systems programs and Related (REDIS), among them are:

Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana de Bucaramanga (UPB)

Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander Cúcuta

Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander Ocaña

Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga (UNAB)

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia (UNAD)

Universidad Popular del Cesar (UPC) Seccional Aguachica

Fundación Universitaria de San Gil - UNISANGIL




Dear Participant:

Perform registration to the International Congress on Innovation and appropriation of Information Technology and Communications, CIINATIC, filling out the form below. Click here

Once you're registered Login, go to the main menu choose Link events unfold when the menu option seeks International Congress on Innovation and appropriation of Information Technology and Communications, CIINATIC and register.

Remember that your participation is as rapporteur further to send to the format of presentation, Authors format (refer to section papers from the main menu) so you can download it .


Outstanding activities Dates
Start date for receipt of abstracts April 1, 2019
Deadline for receipt of abstracts May 17, 2019
Deadline for receipt of abstracts answer May 31, 2019
Deadline for receipt of entries July 19, 2019
Acceptance Notification Date July 26, 2019
Final version conference proceedings September 6, 2019
Congress opening date September 26, 2019


If you want to present your paper for submission to publication in English will remember that additional registration cost of the paper and informed the guidelines to follow for a value of COP 200 000.

All articles in English and Spanish will be evaluated and be informed each author on the dates set by the organizing committee of the Sixth International Meeting on Technological Innovation status. (Accepted, accepted CORRECTIONS, REJECTED)



Training Teacher

MSc. Angélica Flórez Abril Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
MSc. Johanna Marcela Suárez Pedraza Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
MSc. Carlos Humberto Carreño Díaz Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
MSc. María del Pilar Rojas Puentes Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander Cúcuta
MSc. Johana Hernández Manrique Universidad Popular del Cesar
MSc. Darwin Navarro Pino Universidad Popular del Cesar
MSc. Alveiro Rosado Gómez Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander Ocaña.
Msc. Luis Anderson Coronel Rojas Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander Ocaña.
Msc Ariel Orlando Ortiz Beltrán Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga
Msc Claudia Isabel Cáceres Becerra Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga
Msc Daniel Arenas Seleey Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga
Msc Diana Teresa Parra Sánchez Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga
Ing Nitae Andres Uribe Ordoñez Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga
Msc Rene Alejandro Lobo Quintero Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga
Msc Yaneyda Zulay Longas Florez Fundación Universitaria de San Gil - UNISANGIL
Msc Luz Yamile Caidedo Chacón Fundación Universitaria de San Gil - UNISANGIL
Msc(c) Henry Javier Barón González Fundación Universitaria de San Gil - UNISANGIL


Training Teacher

Dr. Humberto Sossa Azuela Instituto Politécnico Nacional de México
Msc. Ramon García Gonzalez Instituto Técnico de tehuacán México


Training Teacher

MSc Didier Guerrero Sumalave Universidad Popular del Cesar
MSc Francisco Chinchilla Torres Universidad Popular del Cesar
Msc Fabian Cuesta Quintero Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander Ocaña.
Msc. Eduar bayona Ibañez Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander Ocaña.
MSc Oscar Alberto Gallardo Pérez Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander Cúcuta
Ph.D Carlos Eduardo Pardo G Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander Cúcuta
Ph.D (c ) Eduard Gilberto Puerto Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander Cúcuta
Ph.D Judith del Pilar Rodriguez Tenjo Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander Cúcuta
PhD. (c ) Urbano Eliécer Gómez Prada Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

MSc. Diego Javier Parada Serrano Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
PhD. (c ) Lenin Javier Serrano Gil Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
MSc. Diana Teresa Gómez Forero Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
Ph.D Jorge Andrick Parra Valencia Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga
Ph.D Maritza Liliana Calderón Benavides Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga
Msc Paulo Cesar Ramírez Prada Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga
Ph.D Román Eduardo Sarmiento Porras Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga


Autors Name
Vega Otálora, Kevin Santiago
Sánchez Pedroza, Juan Carlos
Caicedo Chacón, Luz Yamile3
App de realidad aumentada para las orquídeas de Virolín
O Manzano
M Peñaranda
H Páez
ICT competencies of the colombian university teachers Competencias TIC de los profesores universitarios colombianos
Wcdaly Cortés Algeciras
Jheimer Julián Sepúlveda López
Construcción de tejido social a través de un curso virtual para la formación en TIC de estudiantes universitarios: Caso HDGC de la UNAD
Eduar Bayona Ibáñez
Andrea Natalia Bayona Moreno
Adrián Ramiro García Gaona
Construcción de un sistema automatizado para conformar equipos de trabajo
Creación de un FRAMEWORK de desarrollo de aplicaciones web, basado en JAVASCRIPT, HTML y CSS
Miguel Alberto Rincón Pinzón
Daniela Ardila Jiménez
Wilmar Andrés Rojas Villafañe
Calletana López Baleta
Mayerly Vaca Sanguino
Luis Alexander Santiago Espinosa
Miguel Ángel Prado Padilla
Diseño e Implementación de OVAs en áreas con bajo rendimiento académico en los programas de la Universidad Popular del Cesar seccional Aguachica
Cristancho García Mónica
Quintero Guasca Rosa Elvia
Avellaneda Nieves Maribel
Moreno Gualdrón Javier Ernesto
E-learning: permanencia y deserción estudiantil. Caso de Estudio: Maestría en Gestión de la Tecnología Educativa – UDES
Marcos Fernando Reyes Evolución del Malware
Katerine Beleño Caselles
Ronald Palencia
Martha Doria Hernández
María Teresa Rojas Flórez
Sergio Fernando Correa Roa
Flujo de Trabajo para la Realización de un Video Musical Animado
Laura F. García
Johana A. Manrique
Liliana Calderón-Benavides
Hacia una Revisión Sistemática de la Literatura: Caso aplicado en Análisis de Sentimientos en política Latinoamericana
Luz Arabany Ramírez Castañeda
Jheimer Julián Sepúlveda López
La brecha digital como sistema complejo
Arias T. Yhary Estefania
Ortiz B. Ariel
Parametrización De Un Modelo De Red Neuronal Convolucional Para La Clasificación De Cáncer En Ecografías De Tiroides Según La Escala EU-TIRADS.
Daniel Camilo Tello Beltran Prototipo de Realidad Mixta/Híbrida para el Aprendizaje de Ciclos de Animación
Karil Ayala Mendoza
Miguel Jurado García
Daniel Tello Beltran
Integrative Artistic Project Based on E-sports and Gamification
Yan Carlo Angarita
Yusmar Peña
Carlos René Angarita


Instructions for the presentation in full paper

will appear in the Series of Conferences related to the IOP systems engineering program, which is part of the IOP Conference Series. All the articles published in the series of IOP conferences are completely quotable and, after their publication, will be downloaded for free. Authors may be interested to know that the IOP series of conferences now receives more than 2.3 million article downloads per year, and is summarized and indexed in Scopus, Compendex and Inspec, among others. Appointments are tracked online using the IOP Publishing citation feature, in addition to the full dating tracking facilities provided by Scopus. All the articles published in the series of IOP conferences are completely quotable and, after their publication, will be downloaded for free. Authors may be interested to know that the IOP series of conferences now receives more than 2.3 million article downloads per year, and is summarized and indexed in Scopus, Compendex and Inspec, among others. Appointments are tracked online using the IOP Publishing citation feature, in addition to the full dating tracking facilities provided by Scopus. All the articles published in the series of IOP conferences are completely quotable and, after their publication, will be downloaded for free. Authors may be interested to know that the IOP series of conferences now receives more than 2.3 million article downloads per year, and is summarized and indexed in Scopus, Compendex and Inspec, among others. Appointments are tracked online using the IOP Publishing citation feature, in addition to the full dating tracking facilities provided by Scopus. Authors may be interested to know that the IOP series of conferences now receives more than 2.3 million article downloads per year, and is summarized and indexed in Scopus, Compendex and Inspec, among others. Appointments are tracked online using the IOP Publishing citation feature, in addition to the full dating tracking facilities provided by Scopus. Authors may be interested to know that the IOP series of conferences now receives more than 2.3 million article downloads per year, and is summarized and indexed in Scopus, Compendex and Inspec, among others. Appointments are tracked online using the IOP Publishing citation feature, in addition to the full dating tracking facilities provided by Scopus.

Important: read before sending a document.

Publication License for Open Access Documents The IOP series of conferences operates a publishing license, according to which authors retain the copyright of their documents and no longer need to sign and submit copyright assignment forms. Any author wishing to publish in the IOP Conference Series must accept the terms of the license and, when sending a document for publication, it is assumed that all authors of the document accept, in full, the terms of the license. The terms and conditions of the license are available online.

Where to send your paper

The manuscripts, prepared according to the guidelines of the author, should be sent to the organizing committee and publications committee of the Franciscan University of Paula Santander Ocaña, emails: and .

Preparing your paper

The IOP series of conferences uses PDF files provided by the author for all online and printed publications. Authors are asked to prepare their documents with Microsoft Word or LaTeX, according to the guidelines and templates of the journal, and then convert these files to PDF. Complete instructions on the preparation of your document, together with the templates, can be found on the website of the IOP conference series. It is important to make sure that when you send your document, it is in its final form ready for publication and has been thoroughly reviewed. IOP does not copy documents and will not send proof of authors before publication. Keep in mind that, in general, post-publication changes are not allowed,

What you need to provide

The PDF file of your document: When preparing your article, be sure to follow the author's guidelines, but at a minimum:

- Use A4-sized European paper with a margin of at least 25 mm.
- Make sure your paper includes a summary
- Do not add any page numbers, headers or footers to your article

Any multimedia file you want to publish online.

- EES encourages authors to send multimedia files to improve online versions of published research articles.


inquiries General inquiries about the IOP series of conferences should be addressed to:
Lady Sánchez Jácome
Coordinator of Publications

Division of Research and Extension

Note 1:

The publication of short articles (Proceedings) will be done only in English. Document size, maximum 7 pages. According to the editorial policies of the EES established for the IOP. All articles will be reviewed by a specialized evaluation committee, which will be in charge of approving and authorizing the publication of contributions.

Note 2:

The editorial committee of the V International Meeting on Technological Innovation only considers the publication of contributions that comply with the editorial policies contemplated by the scientific journals associated with the event (EES, IOP Publishing). Items that do not comply with the editorial policies (style and form) will be rejected automatically before being evaluated. Only research works in English will be received.

Note 3:

The academic, scientific and editorial committee of the International Congress on Innovation and Appropriation of Information Technology and Communications, CIINATIC will only allow two oral presentations per registration, although participants may appear as co-authors in more than two contributions