10th International Conference Of Technological Innovation

11-13 october, 2023

Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander Ocaña - Colombia
Faculty of Engineering

The X International Meeting on Technological Innovation will be held on october 11, 12 and 13 de 2023, in person and some central conferences will be virtual. All presentations will be transmitted live through the social networks of the organizing institution.

It is important to inform that the corresponding author of each research work approved by the congress must make the oral presentation in real time, for this it is important that all authors make the corresponding presentation using the template in Power Point format on the established date according to the following indications: oral presentation 15 minutes, followed by a round of questions of 5 minutes. You can check in the Schedule for oral presentations the date and time that correspond to you, specifically in the Scientific Program section.

The following aspects should be taken into account:

  • Papers should address theoretical, numerical aspects and/or practical applications related to the topic of interest.
  • There is no limit for author submissions, but there is a limit for paper submissions established in each of the journals.
  • When submitting your abstract, you should indicate whether you wish to submit your article and select the journal that best suits the scope of your paper.
  • Articles must comply with the editorial policies of each journal.
  • All slides must be in English or Spanish.
  • The organizing committee will inform the date and time of the presentation.
  • The participation of at least one author during the question session is mandatory to ensure the publication of the paper in the conference proceedings and the issuance of the digital presentation certificate.
  • Check if there is a logo in the presentation that may conflict with the sponsors of the event.
  • To avoid non-presentation during the X International Meeting on Innovation, only papers that have been presented orally will be published in the conference proceedings.